Teguh & Laras

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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Dengan memohon rahmat dan ridho Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, insyaaAllah kami akan menyelenggarakan acara pernikahan kami.


The Bride


drg. Laras Widyawati

Putri dari  Bapak H. Lukman Hanif & Ibu Hj. Friska Juwita


Teguh Chandradinata, S.T

Putra dari Bapak H. Bagas Chandradinata, M.M & Ibu Hj. Putri Andini, S.E

The Groom


Kami Nantikan Kehadiran Anda

Jum'at, 12 Oktober 2022
09.00 WIB - 11.00 WIB
Kediaman Mempelai Wanita - Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No.01 Kota Palembang
Minggu, 14 Oktober 2022
10.00 WIB - 14.00 WIB
The Zuri Hotel - Jl. Radial No.1371, 26 Ilir, Bukit Kecil, Palembang
Ngunduh Mantu
Minggu, 26 September 2021
09.00 WIB - 11.00 wib
Rumah Mempelai Pria - Dsn. Grogola Ds.Sawo RT.02/RW.01 Campurdarat - Tulungagung
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Love must be learned, and learned again and again, there is no end to it.
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Pertama Berkenalan

4 September 2020

Awal mula berkomunikasi melalui DM Instagram, kami saling bercerita tentang kucing. Karna kami berdua pecinta kucing


20 Oktober 2020

Setelah berkomunikasi cukup lama dan terpisah jarak, akhir nya kami bertemu dan memutuskan menjalin komitmen


19 Oktober 2021

Setelah menjalin hubungan selama 1 tahun akhir nya memutuskan untuk melamar

Wedding Gift

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Ucapan & Doa

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  5. World of Warcraft (WoW) is one of the most famous multiplayer on-line games in the world, where players can fight together in epic raids to defeat powerful bosses and earn unique merits. However not all players manage to successfully complete raids – due to their complexity and the coordination and experience requirements. For those who want to get help and complete the raid without unnecessary difficulties, there is the WoW Raid Carry service.

    WoW Raid Carry Service is a service provided by wow pve carry experienced and skilled players who help other players to successfully complete raids in WoW. These professionals are highly experienced in boss battles, possess highest levels of skill and understanding of game mechanics, making them exemplary guides those who want to gain confidence and guaranteed success.

    Raid Carry services may include various features, depending on the needs of the player. For example, this could be running a full raid from start to finish, general role in battles with specific chiefs, leveling up a character, or receiving certain rewards and items . Each player can choose the option that is suitable for himself and receive professional help from experienced players.

    WoW Raid Carry services are simply extremely popular among those who value their time and don’t want spend it on leveling up and completing difficult raids. It is also a good way to improve your skills and knowledge in the game by learning from experts and getting valuable tips and advice.

    Overall, WoW Raid Carry Service is a convenient and efficient way to complete difficult raids in World of Warcraft without any extra hassle and problems. Thanks to experienced players and professional assistance, every player can enjoy playing and achieve the desired results in short time.

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